1.warm-up 10分。ペアで、近況の報告。
2.vocabulary quiz 15問。前回、今回出てくる単語についての意味をペアで話す。
3.homework ペアで回答チェック。
今度の木曜日は、今年のvocabulary quizの復習と、先週習ったnegotiationの再挑戦。
1.warm-up 10分。ペアで、近況の報告。
2.vocabulary quiz 15問。前回、今回出てくる単語についての意味をペアで話す。
3.homework ペアで回答チェック。
今度の木曜日は、今年のvocabulary quizの復習と、先週習ったnegotiationの再挑戦。
月曜日のvocabulary quizは、以下。
1.volatile:adj if a market is volatile, share prices can go up or down suddenly
2.unanimously:adj. if peaple vote or decide something unanimously, that all agree
3.talk out of:v if you talk somebody out of someting, you persuade them not to do it by giving them good reasons
4.resine:v to officially tell somebody that you are leaving your job
5.quantitative research:n research that gives information about numbers, rather than about how good something is
6.invoice:n a list of goos that have been sold, work that has been done, etc., showing what you must pay
7.enthusiastic:adj. showing a lot of excitement adn interest about something
8.conscientious:adj. careful to do things thoroughly and as well you can, without being told
9.breakthrough:n an important development or discovery which solves a problem or changes the way we do something
10.ambitious:adj. motivated by the need for success, wealth, or status
11.barter:v to exchange goods, property, services, etc.for other goods, etc.without using money
12.deal in:v to buy and sell a particular product
13.gimmick:n a trick to attract attention or to persuade people to buy something
14.publicity stunt:n something unusual that is done to attract attention to a product, etc.
15.track record:n all the past achievements, success or failures of a company or person
BGMは、「Noriyuki Makihara 20th Anniversary Best LOVE
」 槇原敬之。
1.volatile:adj if a market is volatile, share prices can go up or down suddenly
2.unanimously:adj. if peaple vote or decide something unanimously, that all agree
3.talk out of:v if you talk somebody out of someting, you persuade them not to do it by giving them good reasons
4.resine:v to officially tell somebody that you are leaving your job
5.quantitative research:n research that gives information about numbers, rather than about how good something is
6.invoice:n a list of goos that have been sold, work that has been done, etc., showing what you must pay
7.enthusiastic:adj. showing a lot of excitement adn interest about something
8.conscientious:adj. careful to do things thoroughly and as well you can, without being told
9.breakthrough:n an important development or discovery which solves a problem or changes the way we do something
10.ambitious:adj. motivated by the need for success, wealth, or status
11.barter:v to exchange goods, property, services, etc.for other goods, etc.without using money
12.deal in:v to buy and sell a particular product
13.gimmick:n a trick to attract attention or to persuade people to buy something
14.publicity stunt:n something unusual that is done to attract attention to a product, etc.
15.track record:n all the past achievements, success or failures of a company or person
BGMは、「Noriyuki Makihara 20th Anniversary Best LOVE
| 固定リンク
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- 月と葉桜(2014.04.08)
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